Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Ride the Lights (but not in a coach this time)

Ride the Lights 2014


Yesterday was the annual Ride the Lights event (more info see their Facebook page )

From 6pm till 10pm the Promenade was closed to all motor traffic and the Illuminations were on in advance of the "proper" switch-on this weekend. Thousands of cyclists (and some unicyclists) came from all around the area to ride up and down the Promenade unhindered by cars, lorries and buses to enjoy the unique spectacle.

The Illuminations look great and the lights on the Tower this year are very cool as they change colour around the Tower, up & down, in waves. The local radio station was there supporting the event with music and activities by the Comedy Carpet

As our son hasn't quite got the hang of cycling yet our bikes stayed at home and we "walked the lights" instead. Some things that struck me as potentially dangerous were the amount of cyclists on the pavement; cyclists ignoring RED traffic lights and the general lack of organisation. Traffic signals to side roads/T junctions that were closed should have been covered-up, whereas the ones where pedestrians can cross should have been enforced. With only two accidents we saw (an Ambulance in attendance at one of them) I am amazed there weren't more.

The other problem, was the problem Blackpool always has: By the Tower there was a lot of rubbish being blown around by the breeze.

Blackpool Council really need to get a couple of motorised road sweepers out at this type of event, before it and after it. The town often looks a mess with loose rubbish blowing around. Clean it up please!!

Apart from that - what a fun event for the town! We walked from North Pier to the Pleasure Beach and back (stopping for Donuts to share on the way back!) and it was lovely to see. There were many bikes that had been decorated with lights, some with music and some pulling small trailers with little dogs or small children in them. Another great Blackpool event.

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